5 Reasons Why WordPress is Perfect for Your Business


WordPress is a Content Management System (CMS)

WordPress is a content management system (CMS) and that’s a big plus. A CMS is an application that helps you prepare, add, modify or remove digital content. Happily, WordPress was designed for users who aren’t very tech-savvy. This means its content management application or CMA not only takes care of a lot of tasks for you, it’s also intuitive and easy to use. If you can use MS Word or Google Docs, then you can use WordPress. Just download the code and you will soon be on your way to establishing your website.

WordPress Powers 30 percent of the Internet

WordPress powers about 30 percent of all websites on the Internet. Millions of people choose WordPress because it’s simple.  Some of your favorite websites may use it: BBC America, Sony Music, Bloomberg Professional, the Houston Zoo and many more. Plus, you can access plenty of online (mostly free) tutorials to help you establish your website and keep it in top shape far into the future.

WordPress is Free Open-Source Software

Open-Source Software (OSS) is software that is accessible by anyone around the world without restrictions, licenses or fees. You can download WordPress free and use it anytime and anywhere. Because WordPress is Open-Source, it’s not only free to use, you can also modify its source code without restriction.

You may not want to delve into code, but this means WordPress is supported by a vast and talented (geeky) community of people who are passionate about making existing tools even more useful. Programmers, linguists, application developers and testers around the world routinely help make modifications to WordPress’ open-source code to make it better and they share the results with all of us.

WordPress will even put you on a mailing list to receive notifications about the latest improved software releases. Even if you aren’t enthusiastic about geeks or tech, you must admit this communal development helps all of us by delivering better solutions to common issues.

Customize WordPress with a Theme and Plugins

Themes dictate how your website looks and is organized. WordPress offers you an entire universe of themes from which to choose. You can also access a multitude of plugins. A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to your WordPress site. Plugins can add features to your site or expand the features that already exist.

WordPress lets you customize both themes and plugins. You can download free themes from the WordPress directory or purchase a theme from a theme shop like Envato Market and change the code and functionality to suit your business.

SEO-Friendly Themes and Plugins

As you may know, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) makes it easier for the robots indexing the web to find your website and list it in search engine rankings. Good SEO is key to getting your customers in touch with your website and, ultimately, your product or service. WordPress is built for SEO. You can add SEO-friendly themes and plugins to your site to extend SEO functionality. That way, tools to optimize pages, posts and content for your specific keywords will be available at your fingertips.

Where to Go Next

WordPress is easy to use, well-supported and customizable. It’s a great tool for building a professional website that gets found on today’s busy web. Check out WordPress.org to access community forums and get help with your own website.

Thinking about hiring someone else to do your hosting, security and backups and need more information? Learn the difference between WordPress.org and WordPress.com.

While it’s easy to get started building your website and online reputation with WordPress, keeping your site high in search engine rankings can be a little more challenging. I can help ensure your SEO success. Contact me online or call (720) 443-1407 to schedule your free 30-minute consultation to discuss your needs.