WordPress is Open-Source: What does that mean for you?

WordPress is Open-Source: What does that mean for you?

The holiday season right before the New Year is usually a time when many folks exchange gifts.  So, I thought we could explore a kind of gift to the cyber world: OSS. OSS and No Wonder Woman in Sight If you’re of a certain age, the term OSS might ring a distant bell...
Website not converting? Try A/B testing!

Website not converting? Try A/B testing!

So… you’ve been tracking the success of your web pages using Google Analytics and you’re disappointed in your bounce and conversion rates. Wait. What did I hear you mumble? You have NOT been collecting data and analyzing it to determine the success of your site? Leave...
The importance of responsive web design

The importance of responsive web design

“Day by day, the number of devices, platforms, and browsers that need to work with your site grows. Responsive web design represents a fundamental shift in how we’ll build websites for the decade to come.” ~Jeffrey Veen, VP of Products for Adobe “It’s not...